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Fara Allegro

Romance Writer - With Heat

About Fara Allegro

I'm Fara! And I write because I can't stop. Especially when it comes to books that are hot, spicy and with masterful heroes who keep me up into the wee small hours!

If that's your kind of read I'm with you all the way. My other favourite things include decadent coffees, indulgent merlot and desserts with two spoons!

I live in a small village in Derbyshire where I love nothing better than long walks dreaming up rampant and ravenous heroes! And the heroines fit to tame them. Or be tamed!

So...keep me in mind for your future TBR list and we'll have some fun together!

Lace Masked Lady With Glossy Lips
“I write slick, fast, heat that keeps the pages turning faster and faster. If you want boring, don't come here.”
Fara Allegro - Erotica Writer

Fara Allegro

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